~ Images

Helen Scott
Ruben Gordon
Hattie Williams
Luella Bray
Randolph Royster
Lewis Carter
Miss Maggie Harris
James Key
J.P. Hawkins
West Main Street Charlottesville
Fannie Dowell
Reverend G.O. Seay
Miss M.N. Marshall
Dr. George Ferguson
Louis Burkett
J.G. Scott
Hattie Bryant
Southern Railroad Views Charlottesville
Ed Gibson
Dr. George Ferguson
A.R. Carroll
Roy White
John P. Jones
Charles Lewis
Lester Harris
Hugh Walker
Daniel Brown
Harvey Foster
Lettie Carter
Elna Good
Carrie Magruder
Frank Tibbs
Tom Calvin
Tommie Mills
West Main Street Charlottesville
Lulla Whitting
Maude Carter
Ada Desper
Lily Whitting
Robert Jackson
Cora Ross
Rebecca Randolph
Eva Hughes
F.M. Morris
Mozella Keyes
Mr. Yancey
West Main Street Charlottesville
Everette Whitting
Henry Martin
Arthur Johnston
Mr. Yancey
Charlottesville Canning Factory
Henry Martin
S.E. Jackson
Phi Gamma Delta University of Virginia-Fraternity
Horse Show Pictures
Marion Dye
Buttler Surber
Lucy Monroe
Robert Greene
Lee Davenport
Lillie Arnett
Rebecca Figgins
Stuart Fuller
Elsworth Washington
Fayett Johnson
Homer Ragland
Horse Show Pictures
Flossie Brooks
Lucy Blue
Leslie Baykin
Miss Gladys Fry
Fayett Johnson
Homer Ragland
Horse Show Pictures
Irwin Weiss
Miss Gladys Fry
Betty Durrette
Zenobia Lias
Herbert Suben
Horse Show Pictures
Phi Gamma Delta University of Virginia-Fraternity
Lucy Perry
Edward Mayo
Miss Annie Jones
Clara Washington
Henry MacMahan
Edith Sanders
Frank Slaughter
Clara Washington
Mrs. Underwood
Robert Jordan
M. Gordon
Martha Simms
Sarah Jones
Olondo Maury
Mrs. Underwood
Rosa Douglas
Julian Johnson
Alice Carter
Virginia Nelson
Edwin Mayo
Julian Johnson
Ada Jefferson
Luella Bray
Chesapeake and Ohio Railway, Crozet Train Station Albemarle County
Felix Bland
Lucy Norris
Emma Beak
Fred Johnson
Mary Wood
Bud Brown
May Moore
Bentia Turner
J. Walke
J.C. Reed
Edwin Jefferson
Vergie Norris
Fred Johnson
Albert Preston
William Biggers
Dora Mansfield
Susie Smith
Sidney Lawson
W.A. Millner
Sallie Jackson
Alfred Howard
Lillie Monroe
Mary Brown
Isaac Lawson
Lelia Bell
Sidney Lawson
Elva Banks
Golden Coles
Willie Wood
Charlie Tracey
Lelia Bell
Bennie Palmer
West Main Street
Carrie Michie
Andrew Givens
Elva Banks
R. Washington
Chamber of Commerce Charlottesville
D.J. Ward
Henry Cooper
Orbrey Stark
Mary Fergerson
Lelia Bell
Elizabeth Johnson
F. Clark
Mrs. D.J. Ward
Henry Cooper
Elizabeth Johnson
H.H. Bunt
Mr. Trotter
Tillie Washington
Lizzie Payne
Mary Moon
William Biggers
Maggie Caul
Mr. Trotter
Grace Washington
Charlie Edwards
Cora Walker
Lucy Givens
Frank Johnson
Lacy Miller
Effie Gross
Lucy Givens
Mrs. Ernest Allen
James Kenner
Dan Scott
C.S. Allen
Frank Johnson
Lacy Miller
Stout Goree
Georgie Lipscomb
Mr. Randolf Ortman (Horses)
Ida Scott
Frank Johnson
Pigeon Farm Egan
Ruth Brooks
Mattie Baker
Lyndall Apartments Charlottesville
Will Smith
Georgie Lipscomb
Mamie Payne
Miss Texie Watts
John Baxter
Florine Scott
James Tompkins
Henrietta Davis
Lyndall Apartments Charlottesville
Will Mobley
Elizabeth Barber
Tom Moore
Mrs. G.D. Smith
Mr. Randolf Ortman (Horses)
Nannie Minor
Lettie Carter
Sam Gray
Irene Reeves
S.E. Jackson
Tom Moore
Mr. Randolf Ortman (Horses)
Florine Scott
Jamie Greene
Lena Furguson
Dr. G.R. Ferguson
Belle Hawkins
Frank Coleman
Mrs. E.O. Sibly
John Francis
Lyndall Apartments Charlottesville
S. Arrundall
Mr. Randolf Ortman (Horses)
Virgie Maury
Emmet T. Whitney
Robert Lewis
F.A. Jackson
S. Arundall
Mr. Randolf Ortman (Horses)
Sallie Powell
Pauline Haskins
R.B. Crawford Children
Samuel Lott
Mr. Randolf Ortman (Horses)
Miss Alsh
Thomas Davis
Beatrice Bynum
Mr. Randolf Ortman (Horses)
F.E. Coleman
John Carter
Marshall Mayo
Curtis Hawkins
Beatrice Bynum
Mattie White
Sadie Brown
Carrie Payne
Mr. Randolf Ortman (Horses)
F.E. Coleman
John Carter
Beatrice Bynum
Ernestine Colsten
Ange Dye
Glee Club University of Virginia
Virgie Brown
Louis Parker
Charles Winfrey
Glee Club University of Virginia
L. Kennedy
Mary Williams
Phi Gamma Delta University of Virginia-Fraternity
Cinder Block Corporation
Maggie Brooks
Fire House Banquet Charlottesville
Marie S. Gordon
Glee Club University of Virginia
Chammie Allen
Irene H. Scott
Cinder Block Corporation
Folley Jones
Horace Yancey
James Moore
Burnett Watson
Cinder Block Corporation
Carrie Coles
Maggie Brooks
Rosa Ford
Ed Bates
Tom Terrell
Ellie Thomson
Hattie Johnson
Carrie Coles
Mrs. Shepherd
Mattie Jones
Percy Payne
Marion Brown
Mrs. Shepherd
Nathan Govee
Isaac Caldwell
Hazel Flannagan
Harry Mason
Lula Wright
Lillian Brown
Alice Jones
John Long
James Simpson
Mary Marshall
Isaac Hall
Violet White
Mr. and Mrs. C. Hawkins
R.W. McKay
Katie Slaughter
Cora Hall
Isaac Hall
Mabel Maupin
Bill Hurley
Kab Underwood
William Washington
John Miller
Sallie Washington
Eugene Key
J.S. White
Florence Hughs
Convict Camp
Rosa Green
Lillian Swann
St. Pauls Church Choir
Parr Wholesale House Charlottesville
Minnie Dickerson
Mahuda Farrar
Rosetta Hawpine
Miss Lillie Payne
Mrs. Joe Spears
Julia Bell
Clara Walker
F.H. Hawpine
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Spears
George Carr
Virginia Nelson
A.J. Buckner
Sarah Dickinson
Nellie Jones
Clara Edwards
Horace Miller
Bertha Wheeler
John Mills
Main Street Parade Charlottesville
Maria Harris
Ruth Lott
Nellie Jones
Dr. Glascock
Stanford Maupin
Henry Mills
Lizzie Jones
Main Street Parade Charlottesville
Floyd Smith
Marjorie Bowles-Turner
Beatrice Harris
Nellie Jones
Alice Williams
Daniel Brown
Main Street Parade Charlottesville
Familiar Faces The Corner, Charlottesville
Lula Ross
Miss Virginia May
Jerry Gillette
Viola Carter
Main Street Parade Charlottesville
Bill Hurley
Mrs. Bezater
Humane Society Charlottesville
Atha Jackson
Viola Carter
Cleveland White
Main Street Parade Charlottesville
Jefferson High School Football Team
Covesville Orchard
Julia Barrett
Clyde and Bessie Hansbery
Jefferson High School Football Team
Covesville Orchard Albemarle County
Virginia Miller
Peggy Spears
Mrs. Frank Higgins
Covesville Orchard Albemarle County
Marie Carter
Will Berger
Leola Garland
P.H. Ragland
Mary Woodfolk
Camp Blue Ridge
Marie Carter
Nellie Willis
Mrs. W.B. Forsythe
Mattie Scott
Waddell Brown
Constance Echols
Blake Newton
Thomas Sellers
Mrs. Josephine Porter
Fannie Norris
John P. Jones
John Cosby
George Daniel
A.B. Tazewell
Road Scenes Betts and Boyce
Maggie Barbour
Luella Bray
Road Scenes Betts and Boyce
Mrs. G.F. Peter
Margaret Jackson
Mr. Rand
E. Wilkerson
Mrs. G.F. Peter
Maud Carter
Elnora Carr
Jane Kennedy
Mary Woodhouse
Jessie White
Mrs. G.F. Peter
Myrtle Williams
Robert Gosham
Charlottesville and Albemarle Railway Company Power Plant
Lila Lewis
A.L. Randolph
Rose Smith
Mrs. G.F. Peter
Margaret Bailey
H.M. Scott
Alfred Howard
Charles Lane
James A. Gordon
Mrs. G.F. Peter
Daisy Dow
Stuart Fuller
Eliza Minion
Cornelia Howard
Lelia Williams
Charles Lane
Ora Pendleton
Cleve Burtin
Lillie Holmes
Schuyler, Nelson County
Miss Mabel Smith
W.L. Wilson
Ora Pendleton
Tal Washington
Parade, Main Street
Florence McKenzie
Alfred Washington
Schuyler, Nelson County
Edna Monroe
Lelia Bell
Henry Thomas Boiler Charlottesville
Virginia Miller
Lizzie Jones
Jane Porter
Nelly Kennedy
Louise Michie
John Key
Amelia Spinner
Grafton Dillard
Cora Murray
Miss Ruth Anderson
Harold Jones
Anna Banks
Virgie Brown
Lucy Burns
Hamil Bullack
John Key
Surgical Amphitheater, University of Virginia Hospital
Reverend J.A. Jordan
Marie Carter
Aubrey Wood
Charlottesville and Albemarle Railway Company Machine
Surgical Amphitheater, University of Virginia Hospital
Sallie Smith
James Lincoln
Bertha Carter
J.W. McCullen
E.J. Scott
Charlottesville and Albemarle Railway Company Machine
Marion Burrell
Nellie Bell
Mrs. B. Bowling
Viola Green
Miss Maude Henry
Russell Carter
Mary Watson
Horace Porter
Albert Fry
Nina Sniper
Richard Nightengale
Willie Chaplin
W.G. Layne
Log Cabin Ivy
Joe Francisco
Alice Ragland
Mozell Burrell
Parade, Main Street
Patsy Jones
John Moon
H.E. Miller
Lettie Carter
Eugene Key
Will Berger
Mrs. S. Cosby
Lula Cosby
Mercer Ross
Bethie Doggett
Amos Rutherford
Sesla Bowles
Lloyd Howard
George Blue
Uncle Peter
Nina Sniper
Mary Key
Eudora Willis
Cynthia Slaughter
Murphy B. Whitever
Granville Cooper
Jeannette Bynum
T.C. Hawkins
Earl Harris
Mrs. Hattee Brown
Thomas Douglas
Mr. Whitlock
Nattie Bynum
Irene Brown
James Moore
Frank Robertson
Mrs. Allan Perkins
Mr. Whitlock
Amanda Williams
Susie Morris
Mrs. Allan Perkins
Mr. Whitlock
Celia Estes
Willis Hansvery
Mrs. Grace Oliver
James Lightfoot
Nannie Catlett
Joe Brown
Mrs. Grace Oliver
Willie Brown
Sadie Burnley
Employee Dinner Charlottesville and Albemarle Railway Company
Charles Spears
Nathan Timberlake
Hester Turner
James C. Lewis
Cora Ross
Ozella Hearn
Virgie Maury
Minnie McDaniel
S.W. Gill
Daniel Watson
Linwood Stepp
Virgie Maury
Esso Service Station, Charlottesville
Mr. Whitlock
Thomas Davis
Joe Henderson
Rosa Allen
Billy Graves
J.L. Walker
Carrie Lee
Lloyd Howard
Mrs. S.M. Page
Monticello Gatehouse
J.L. Walker
Kenny Jones
Bland Harris
Ruth Lott
Virginia Keys
Miss Gertrude White
Nannie Williams
Aldrich Jackson
Cora Morris
Willie Brooks
Ruth Lott
Albert Madison
Miss Eleanor Carr
Sadie Jones
Maude Williams
Virgil Bates
Tonsler Flowers
Provided by the University of Virginia Library